Sunday, September 30, 2007

Internet Evangelism Resources from Craig Von Buseck

Craig Von Buseck is an major contributor to CBN.Com, a large Christian website. He writes,
"I'm working on an exhaustive dissertation right now on the topic of effective Internet evangelism for my D.Min. at Regent. There are dozens of different methods for evangelizing online. I just returned from a very exciting conference at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, MI -- the Internet Ministry Conference, sponsored by GospelCom and the Internet Evangelism Coalition.

Here are some resources that I believe you will find useful:

Tony Whittaker's Web Evangelism Guide:

Tony Whittaker on mobile phone evangelism:


80% of the world's population live in an area where they can use a mobile phone. And 2 billion of them already own a mobile phone. 1 billion new camera phones will be shipped in 2008. There is huge evangelistic potential for these devices, including video clips, Short Code text response numbers, and the mobile web. You can even get a Tshirt with your choice of mobile autoresponder message!

Web Evangelism Newsletter: To join, send a blank email to:

Internet Evangelism Day:

Cybermissions by John Edmiston:

Training in Cybermissions:

Online Training for Online Evangelists:

Internet Evangelism Coalition Web site:

IEC Newsletter:

Internet Evangelism Research Report:


'Internet Evangelism in the 21st Century' was a conference held at Liberty University in 2005. All the sessions are online as videos, but now thanks to hard work by Professor Dan Henrich and team, each presentation has been transcribed into a very readable no-pay e-book. With no less than 21 chapters from a wide range of web evangelism practitioners, this is simply a unique and unmissable resource. It's almost as good as being there. The download is in PDF format, and it's big - 60Mb - so you need broadband, or a very long time on dialup! Get it.

Cool Story: When Craig shared these resources with another Partners reader, Stan Jeter who is head of a Latin American TV news program called CBN News/Mundo Cristiano,

Stan said that he wanted to use these resources to introduce Latin American Christian leaders to internet evangelism at th next annul meting of COICOM, the Latin American version of the NRB ( national Religious Broadcasters)! Stan is a major leader in COICOM! God is he best networker! Just goes to prove that you can influence entire continents via the internet--from your home or office! God had the Romans build great roads to expedite the spread of the Gospel in Jesus' time. The internet is a new Roman Road that God has provided to reach every person with the Gospel before Jesus returns.

Go Latin America!!! Go Christians!!!

Time is short and eternity is very long. Let's use our computers to reach the world with the love and power of God!


Bob Fox

1 comment:

John L said...

Thanks for this Bob (& Craig).

I would also call attention to a new book that Len Hjalmarson and I edited - Volume One of the Wikiklesia Project. Forty web-savvy authors (Scot Mc Knight, Rex Miller, Tom Hohstadt, Andrew Jones, etc..) discussing the intersection of faith and technology. A "must read" for anyone interesting in bridging the global church with the Internet. All proceeds from the this book are donated to the Not For Sale Campaign, dedicated to ending slavery in our time. Blessings, JL